All you need to know about the Bimmatch plug-in to Revit
Why you will love it

​The Bimmatch plug-in (add-in) enables you to stream data directly to your BIM project from construction products and materials and from your Organization Library of specifications and requirements.
Applied data by the Bimmatch add-in is available as shared parameters and automatically viewed in the Bimmatch online project with quality control reports.
This will save you so much time in the planning phases and will make it so much easier for the management and procurement teams. Try it, we provide the add-in for free!

For Bimmatch online projects and Organization Library contact us
How to start
​Download and install the Bimmatch add-in from its page on Autodesk App Store.​
It's easy, quick, and safe.
Get it for free on Autodesk App Store

We will notify you with any new version available on Autodesk App Store
Open it in a Revit file
Open your Revit file and click the Bimmatch tab in the Revit ribbon; Click the LOG IN button and sign in to enable all the plug-in functionalities.
Click the MATCH PRODUCTS button to open the Bimmatch catalog panel.
Now you can search and filter any product and apply it to your model.

Clicking on any element in your model and the catalog is filtred to the best-fit products!
Match products Panel action
Bimmatch brings you a large data of market products to be applied to your BIM project.​
Bimmatch matching helps you to reach out to the right materials and products - by clicking on any element in your model, the matching starts to act.
To refine the required results, simply click in the MATCH bar (above the products) and open a pop-up to set up the right criteria.

We support sustainability construction, and you can now refine results with sustainability standards and GHG emissions.

Link to online project Ribbon action
Link and connect your Revit file and work with an online project. The file can be linked to any project on the Bimmatch web platform if created by you or shared with you.
This is a powerful feature to enable you to work with the Organization Library (library items of the organization to share and apply standard requirements) and share your work with the team project on the web platform.
Simply click the ribbon action LINK TO ONLINE PROJECT and choose the project to be linked to your current Revit model.
This action is available for premium customers only, with online team projects.

Organization library Panel action
As an organization with various projects and a big team of professionals, you can create in the Bimmatch web platform a library of your content of standards and specifications to be applied to the Revit model.
Simply click the ribbon action ORGANIZATION LIBRARIES and this will be opened in the right panel.

This action is available for premium customers only, with Organization Library.

View details Card action
Hovering the product's card in the catalog panel reveals 3 optional actions; Click the VIEW DETAILS button to open the product's details page in a web browser tab.
This page will provide you with all available information about the product, including the ability to download file specification sheets if available and to view local distributors.

Note that you do not need to download the BIM file of a product from the details page if you want to apply it to your model, this can be done with the PLACE OBJECT or REPLACE OBJECT actions.

Insert data Card action - Market Catalog Prduct
One of the unique values that the Bimmatch plug-in provides you is the ability to apply any specific parameter from product data to a selected item in your model:
Select any item in your model;
Hover a product card in the catalog and click the INSERT DATA action;
In the open pop-up select any parameter that you would like to apply to the selected item in your model, and then click the INSERT DATA button to apply it.​

​The applied data is now part of your model and you can view it in the Type Property panel of Revit in the last section of "Other".
Insert data Card action - Organization Standard Item
The insert data functionality works the same with Organization Library items, with the following enhancement:
After selecting the properties which you would like to insert to the selected model element, you will need to define a valued for any property that was signed as 'required' in the Organization Library.
What does it mean 'required property'?
The Organization Library Manager can define properties as part of the required standard, which means that by using this specific Organization item, you will need to reffer to this property by force.

Values are presented in Metric units and will be converted automatically to the actual Revit unit type once inserted
Place object Card action
You can simply add a 3D BIM file of a product to your model:
Hover a product card in the catalog and click the PLACE OBJECT action;
Move to your model and hover over the right location for placing the product - you should see the wired shape of the product on your model; Click to apply the product; You can go on and apply it as much as you need.​
PLACE OBJECT is applicable for products with an available .rfa or .rvt file.

Replace object Card action
You can simply and easily replace one element of your model with another 3D BIM file of a product:
Select an element in your model that you would like to replace;
Hover a desirable product card in the catalog and click the REPLACE OBJECT action;
The selected item and all its instances are now replaced with the new geometry.
REPLACE OBJECT is applicable only for products with an available .rfa file.

Color applied elements Ribbon action
After using the card actions such as 'Insert data', 'Place object', or 'Replace object', you can now view all used elements colored on the model by clicking on the ribbon action COLOR APPLIED ELEMENTS.
Re-clicking the same ribbon action will remove the color effect from the Revit model.

We are here for you
We are doing our best to provide a top-notch plug-in to help you match products to your design. Should you encounter any bugs, glitches, or other problems, please let us know so we can rectify these accordingly.